UK Area Codes and Phone Number Information

0191 area code

Newcastle, Sunderland and Durham

The 0191 area code is for Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Sunderland, and the surrounding areas.

Locations using 0191 numbers include:

Most numbers using the 0191 area code are normal Tyne & Wear and Durham landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. (More info)

The first digit of the seven-digit local number usually indicates more precisely where it is associated with:

Number rangePrimary area*Other locations served
(0191) 2xx xxxx  Newcastle and GatesheadBenton, Birtley, Blaydon, Denton Burn, Dudley, Dunston, Felling, Gosforth, Jarrow, Jesmond, Kenton, Killingworth, Lemington, Low Fell, North Shields, Ryton, Seaton Delaval, South Shields, Tynemouth, Wallsend, Washington, Whickham, Whitley Bay, Wideopen
(0191) 4xx xxxx  
(0191) 6xx xxxx  
(0191) 8xx xxxx  
(0191) 3xx xxxx  DurhamChester-le-Street, Coxhoe, Fencehouses, Meadowfield, New Brancepeth, Sacriston, Sherburn Hill
(0191) 9xx xxxx  
(0191) 5xx xxxx  SunderlandBoldon, Easington, East Herrington, Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, Hylton, Peterlee, Ryhope, Seaham, Whitburn
(0191) 7xx xxxx  

* Telephone companies are officially required to issue numbers according to this pattern. Some smaller or newer operators may disregard the rules and use the same series of numbers across the entire area.

0191 area code information

Area code:0191
Location:Newcastle / Sunderland / Durham
Ceremonial county:Tyne & Wear / County Durham
Call costs:Normal landline rate
Local number length:7 digits
Number format:0191 xxx xxxx
International number format:+44 191 xxx xxxx
Number shortages predicted:No
Last code change:April 1995 (previously 091)

All numbers starting 0191 are part of the 0191 area code. This includes 01912 numbers, 01913 numbers, 01914 numbers, 01915 numbers, 01916 numbers, 01917 numbers, 01918 numbers, 01919 numbers and all other numbers that start with the digits 0191, regardless of how the number is displayed or what the following digits are.

Area code history

1981The area uses several different area codes including 0632 for Newcastle, 0783 for Sunderland and 0385 for Durham.
1982091 area code introduced. Local numbers progressively standardised at seven digits long and transferred into new 091 code.
Example: (091) 234 5678
1988091 used area-wide. Seven-digit local numbers beginning 2, 3, 4 and 5 are used in Newcastle, Durham, Gateshead and Sunderland respectively.
1995091 becomes 0191 during nationwide renumbering. No change to local numbers.
Example: (0191) 234 5678
2004Local numbers beginning with '6' made available.
2011Local numbers beginning with '7', '8' and '9' made available.
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