UK Area Codes and Phone Number Information

013398 area code


The 013398 area code is used for Aboyne and the surrounding area.

Locations using 013398 numbers include:

013398 and 01339 codes

Officially, both Aboyne and Ballater use the shorter 01339 area code with 6-digit local numbers.

In practice, established BT lines beginning 01339 8 appear to retain an older arrangement whereby just 5 digits are dialled locally. This means that other 01339 numbers can only be reached by dialling the full, national phone number.

Numbers in use in Aboyne are therefore as follows:

CodeNumber range
013398(013398) 20000 to 99899
01339(01339) 200000 to 299999
(01339) 300000 to 399999
(01339) 500000 to 599999
(01339) 800000 to 819999

Other 01339 numbers are used for Ballater.

Most numbers using 01339 numbers are normal Aboyne and Ballater landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. (More info)

013398 and 01339 area code information

Area code:013398 / 01339
Council area:Aberdeenshire
Call costs:Normal landline rate
Local number length:5 or 6 digits
Number shortages predicted:No
Last code change:April 1995 (previously 03398 / 0339)

Area code history

Ballater and Aboyne previously had separate area codes. Numbers from the former Ballater 0338 area code were absorbed into the 0339 area (which later became 01339) sometime before the mid-1990s.

Officially, this should have led to a uniform 0339 area code (later 01339) and 6-digit local numbers across both areas. However, BT lines appear to have retained 5-digit local dialling and the full number is required when dialling between the two.

The 0338 prefix was reused for pagers and premium rate services later in the 1990s.
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