UK Area Codes and Phone Number Information

01851 area code

Lewis and Great Bernera

The area code 01851 is for the islands of Lewis and Great Bernera in the Outer Hebrides.

Locations using 01851 numbers include:

The first digit of the six-digit local number usually indicates more precisely where it is associated with:

Number rangePrimary area*Other locations served
(01851) 2xxxxx  Isle of LewisBack, Balallan, Barvas, Borve, Crossbost, Garrabost, Gravir, North Tolsta, Port of Ness, Shawbost, Stornoway
(01851) 3xxxxx  
(01851) 5xxxxx  
(01851) 7xxxxx  
(01851) 8xxxxx  
(01851) 4xxxxx  Great BerneraCallanish, Carloway, Timsgarry
(01851) 6xxxxx  
(01851) 9xxxxx  

* Telephone companies are officially required to issue numbers according to this pattern. Some smaller or newer operators may disregard the rules and use the same series of numbers across the entire area.

Most numbers using the 01851 area code are normal Lewis and Great Bernera landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. (More info)

01851 area code information

Area code:01851
Location:Lewis / Great Bernera
Council area:Na h-Eileanan Siar
Call costs:Normal landline rate
Local number length:6 digits
Number format:01851 xxxxxx
International number format:+44 1851 xxxxxx
Number shortages predicted:No
Last code change:April 1995 (previously 0851)

Area code history

Originally, there were two area codes for this area: 0040 for Lewis and 0041 for Great Bernera. In 1968 these codes were changed to 0850 and 0851 respectively, as part of a nationwide plan to free up numbers starting 00 for other purposes.

At some point around 1985, the separate 0850 code for Lewis was withdrawn and all numbers were transferred into the 0851 code. This then eventually became 01851, following a renumbering programme that took place across the UK during April 1995.
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