UK Area Codes and Phone Number Information

0300 numbers

Standard landline rate numbers

Number type:0300 number
Usage:Non-geographic numbering for public services and charities
Call costs:Normal landline rate
Introduced:March 2007
Similar numbers:All other 03 numbers

What are 0300 numbers?

An 0300 number is a special type of landline-rate phone number used by government bodies, the public sector, charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Unlike traditional landline phone numbers, 0300 numbers are not linked with specific geographic locations. However, the cost to call an 0300 number within the UK is always the same as calling a normal home or business landline.

0300 number call costs

A call to an 0300 number costs the same as a call to a normal home or business landline.

All numbers that start with 03 are charged at the same rate as standard landline numbers that start with '01' or '02'. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 0300 numbers will also be included on the same basis.

Call typeCall cost
0300 number from a landlineIncluded in any applicable call packages, otherwise standard landline rates.
0300 number from a mobileIncluded in talktime and bundled minutes, otherwise standard landline rates.

Telecoms regulator Ofcom specifically prohibits phone companies from charging more to call an 03 number than a standard landline, as detailed in their call costs guide.

Are 0300 numbers free to call?

0300 numbers are not the same as freephone 0800 and 0808 numbers, but they can be called at no extra charge on many phone tariffs.

If your phone tariff offers free calls to landlines at certain times of day, or has inclusive calls or bundled minutes that cover calls to landline numbers, calls to 0300 numbers (and all other 03 numbers) will be included in these deals on the exact same basis.

All '03 numbers' work in the same way and are charged at the same rate. This includes 03000 numbers, 03001 numbers, 03003 numbers and all other numbers that start with the digits 0300, regardless of how the number is displayed or what the following digits are.

03 numbers
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