02380, 02381 & 02382
Southampton phone numbers
02380 numbers, 02381 numbers and 02382 numbers are all part of the 023 area code for Southampton, Portsmouth and the surrounding area.
Southampton and Portsmouth have had the area code 023 since the year 2000. This is followed by an eight-digit local number.
Numbers starting with 023 8 are for Southampton, while those starting with 023 9 are for Portsmouth.
Be aware that while most 023 numbers are for Southampton and Portsmouth landlines, they can also be used for services such as VOIP and virtual numbers without any physical link to the area. (More info)
Areas covered
Numbers beginning 02380, 02381 and 02382 cover Southampton and surrounding locations including Ashurst, Bassett, Bursledon, Cadnam, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh, Fair Oak, Fawley, Hamble, Hampton, Hythe, Lyndhurst, Moorhill, Rownhams, Shirley, Totton and Woolston.
023, 0238 or 02380?
The area code for Southampton is simply 023; the following digits are all part of the eight-digit local number.
The 023 area code at the beginning is optional; calls from one Southampton or Portsmouth landline phone to another can be made using just the eight-digit local phone number.
More information
» 023 area code
Full details of areas covered and the history of 023 numbers.
» Phone number formatting
How to correctly display phone numbers.